Sitios de vuelo en la Republica Dominicana
Jarabacoa: Jamaca de Dios 1 & 2
A beautiful mountain village in the heart of the Dominican Republic. One of the best spots on the island.
Take off facing:N, NE,E, NW
Takeoff : 1037 m ASL, #2 is locked by gate, contact FlyingTony for access information.
#2 is more high and more easy grassy take off than #1. Requires a 4x4 wheel drive.
Azua: Azua is a town located about 1 h 20 m W from Santo Domingo, in the South Coast. A four-wheel drive vehicle is required, otherwise you have a 15 minutes hike up (not that hard).Launch Altitude ASL [m]: 90, take off facing S,SEDescription: The takeoff is located in a small range which highest point is less than 350 m AGL. This range runs E, parallel to the first big ranges of the Central Range which is about 2 km N. The takeoff faces the sea (Bahia de Ocoa), about 5 km S.
Puerto Plata: Isabel de Torre.
Isabel de Torres is a mountain in Puerto Plata, about 3 h 30 m NNW from Santo Domingo.
Launch Altitude ASL [m]: 310
Description:Isabel de Torres is a mountain isolated from the Septentrional Range, which runs E-W about 10 km S of the takeoff. Facing ESE, we see the Atlantic Ocean and the moist plains of the northern coast.
Jarabacoa: Paso Alto/El Guayabo
NE/ N/ NW / S
Takeoff : 1220 m ASL can be reached by car.
Locked gate to enter the take-off zone. Contact FLYING TONY for access information.
Jarabacoa: Palo Blanco
Take off facing: NE/ E / N
Takeoff : 1000 m ASL
Easy grassy takeoff. Requires a 4 x 4 wheel drive. Light three minute walk to access the launch area
is the site of the one of the many Ozone cross country challenge competitions. Situated about 1 hour from Santo Domingo. On the way to Constanza.Take off facing SE,E,NE
Constanza: Loma de Danilo
In the Valley of Constanza, 40 minutes from Jarabacoa. Constanza is located at a height of 1220 meters (4000 ft) in the middle of the Cordillera Central (Central Range). Average temperatures during the year range between 41 °F (5 °C) and 68 °F (20 °C). The valley is 8 km long and 4 km wide.
Take off facing: S E, E, W, NW, NE
Take off:1370 m ASL
Walk to take off 15 minutes.
Constanza: Palero
Take off facing, NW, W,
Take off: 1320 m ASL
3 minutes’ walk to take off, easy grassy take off.
San Rafael: Paraiso
A town in Barahona Province, in the Southwest of the Dominican Republic. It is a small city surrounded by green mountains and rivers that end up at the Caribbean Sea. San Rafael and Los Patos are the two municipalities that are in both corner of Paraiso. Both towns have a tourist approach with beaches and fresh rivers water that come from the top of the mountains. The weather is tropical and pleasant. Paraiso : The name in Spanish and Portuguese stands for Paradise. Easy grassy takeoff. Requires a 4 x 4 wheel drive!
Take Off facing: S,SW
Azua la Playita:The takeoff is about 25 m S from Azua (1 h 45 m from Santo Domingo). A four-wheel drive vehicle is recommended.Launch Altitude ASL [m]: 130Description: The takeoff is located in a tiny prominence about 9 km long and 450 m high facing the Caribbean Sea (Bahia de Ocoa).S, SE
Bani:El manaclar:The site is about 1 h 30 m SW of Santo Domingo, near a city called Bani. A four-wheel drive vehicle is required.Launch Altitude ASL [m]: 1000Description: The takeoff faces S. It is located in a branch of the main Central Range. This smaller range grows up to 1800 m heading NNW as it penetrates the main Central Range..Conditions and flight: This is an advanced flight
Barahona:La Hoz:
La Job is a mountain located E of Barahona, about 3 h 30 m from Santo Domingo. A four-wheel drive vehicle is required.
launch Altitude ASL [m]: 1650
Description: The mountain is a part of the Sierra de Baoruco that runs WNW and grows nearly to 3000 m, parallel to the Sierra de Neyba in the north and also parallel to the Central Range. The takeoff faces E, which is the direction of the predominating winds all around the island at this altitude (Alisios). To the S, there are more mountains and valleys, to the N, Valle de Neyba. This valley is a big plain which descends up to 50 m under the sea level.
Conditions and flight: This is an advanced flight.
Puerto Plata: Cofresi. Cofresíis a tourist village 10 km W from Puerto Plata, about 3 h 30 m from Santo Domingo. Any vehicle can get you near the flying area. The flying site is a small range 2 km long and 250 m high, right by the Atlantic Ocean. It is now a private property and permission from the owners is required to pass the fences.Ocean World.Launch Altitude AGL [m]: From 0 to 40.Description:It's a beautiful soaring paraglide site a hundred meters away from the coast with big landing fields next to the beach. Most flights take place either early in the morning up to 11 AM and in the evening, because the wind may get to strong by noon. You just have to pull your wing up on the plains, take a few steps climbing the first hill, turn around and enjoy the elevator
Valle Juelo
Valle Juelo is a 4 h drive from Santo Domingo.
1650 m ASL,
Take off facing E, 4x4 Wheel drive required
Manaclita(Loma Miranda)
Take off facing:
Take off: m
Easy grassy takeoff
Requiers a 4x4wheel drive.
Situated 20 minutes from La Vega, on the way to Santo Domingo.
Galvan:Galvan is a town located by the Sierra de Neyba in the Valle de Neyba, 10 km E from a town also called Neyba. . This part of the island has a very dry landscape due to the great Central Range filtering moisture in the Alisios wind blowing NE. The Sierra de Neyba runs parallel to the Central Range, 30 kms south.The takeoff is 3 h 30 m W from Santo Domingo. A four-wheel drive vehicle is required.Launch Altitude ASL [m]: 1030m.The takeoff is facing S, looking at the great Valle de NeybaConditions and flight: This is an advanced flight.
San Juan:Las aguitas: Las Aguitas is a 3 h 30 m drive from Santo Domingo heading WNW, in the Valle de San Juan. No four-wheel drive vehicle needed as you have a 30 m hike anyway or with local transport: mules. Gliders can be taken to the launch area on horses.Launch Altitude ASL [m]: 400Description: The takeoff is in the SW face of the Central Range, about 4 km from a town called Sabaneta. The Valle de San Juan at this level is about 500 m ASL, so the takeoff is over 900 m ASL. This part of the Central Range has very little erosion and mountains are sharp and over 2000 m high.Conditions and flight: This is an advanced flight.